The Young Heir




The young heir grew up in the waters of Nightwing. She is still too young yet to remember the nomadic days of her mother and kin, and yet, she can recite the tales from days of old as they were handed down to her. Those tales included their venture and settlement into Nightwing waters to form the Water Nation as it stands. Their placement among the depths has left her little to know about the surface-dwelling clans or the history of Nightwing's past. The Queen taught her daughter what she deemed necessary for survival in the waters, and recalled fears from the wars and struggles that had come and gone. 

The Civil War with the Earth Nation is known only as such history lessons. The fate of the surface thereafter is unknown not only to Yuna but to the temple and village as a whole after closing their borders and turning their backs. Yuna was there for the resurrection of their seas following the battle and bears history on the scars and fissures left on the Water Nation today. 

Stories do not make a leader.

Or so she fears. It was her mother who navigated and protected their kind from war. It was her mother who preserved the territory following the terrible blast of Vulcan's final strike. It was her mother's aura that protected the village and temple, which still flows through the territory to this day, even after Naga's passing.

In her mother's absence, Yuna is the next heir to preserve and protect the Water Nation. 

Yuna's clan has passed down techniques of magic for centuries. She is capable of magic beyond the comprehension of most mages. Her abilities are as intertwined with her as her flesh and blood and require no spell casting or tools other than experience. Despite her size, she was trained by the Queen in survival and battle. While she doesn't quite have the grace and tact of her late mother down, it just might come with time.